This April marked the 50th anniversary of Earth Day, and we can see the need for sustainability more than ever. 科学家估计每天至少有150个物种灭绝(Pearce, 2015)。. 每天有5000人死于饮用不干净的水,每年有300万5岁以下的儿童死于污染等环境因素(林凯什), 2019). 但是,近几个月来,由于化石燃料燃烧的减少,我们在扭转臭氧层破坏和改善空气质量方面取得了成功,这提醒我们,地球是有弹性的. To repair the harm human activity has done to ecosystems, we need to adopt more sustainable practices. 韦德娱乐app下载地址学校在可持续环境实践方面的价值观在我们的网站上得到了体现:“认识到个人的成功与更大的世界交织在一起, we encour年龄 students to eng年龄 in improving their community.”
今年春天,索利伯里的学生有机会参加戴安·唐斯教授的可持续发展选修课, Teach2Serve主任兼索里伯里环境行动俱乐部指导教师. The creation of this elective could not have been more timely. As the world grapples with the current coronavirus pandemic, it is important not to forget the environment. 受到气候变化压力的环境是COVID-19等病毒最容易出现的地方,因为气候变化正在增加携带疾病的动物的数量,并使它们与人类有更密切的接触(麦克马洪), 2020).
那么,我们索利伯里学校目前在做些什么来让我们的社区更可持续发展呢? 除此之外, SEAC在秋季和冬季期间与食堂合作,实施了“星期五最少吃肉”活动,目的是鼓励索莱伯里社区吃健康的素食,并提高人们对肉类消费与气候变化之间联系的认识. 亚马逊雨林五分之四的森林砍伐与养牛有关(《韦德娱乐app下载地址》)?”, 2011). 牛, 猪, and poultry are typically fed corn, 大豆粉, and other grains which are 成长n using large amounts of fertilizer, 燃料, 农药, 水, 和土地. 畜牧业产生的温室气体排放量与所有汽车一样多, 卡车, 和汽车的总和. 这就是为什么食堂开始每周五提供健康的素食主菜,并鼓励社区成员参与. This also helps to answer the question, “What do vegetarians eat, anyway?” The answer is, “A lot of tasty food.”
由于目前的大流行,“最小肉星期五”已经变成了“虚拟的”无肉星期五. 社区成员拍下自己吃无肉餐的照片,然后上传到谷歌表格上. 作为奖励, participants earn points for their house (Washburn, 厄斯金, Holmquist, Lathrop) when they eat meat-free meals.
可持续性 at 韦德娱乐app下载地址 is an ongoing effort. Some of the other sustainable practices we have adopted include composting, installing large outdoor recycle bins, 组织食物募捐活动, the installation of a green wall, and replacing incandescent bulbs with longer-lasting, 更高效的LED灯泡. 我们一直在修复樱草花河沿岸的河岸缓冲带,以减少径流,支持河床和周围湿地的生物多样性,并种植了一个蔬菜和传粉者花园, which is intended as a teaching tool for the 科学 department.
为了纪念2020年地球日,你能做些什么来让你自己和你的社区更可持续? 简单的积极习惯, like using reusable 水 bottles, 咖啡杯, 菜, 还有购物袋, and reducing consumption of meat are a good place to start. 当我们一起行动时,行为上的微小改变就能带来环境的巨大改善. Perhaps you are using this time to walk or bike more and drive less. With social distancing measures in place, 许多人都在努力减少去杂货店的次数,同时在家吃更多的饭. This might be a good time to think about creative ways to reduce meat consumption; less meat might be part of the new normal. 即使一周有一天不吃肉,或者每天只吃一顿肉,也会产生影响, especially if many people adopt these changes. It doesn’t matter how you make yourself more sustainable, 重要的是每个人都团结起来拯救我们的环境,最终拯救我们自己. 迟到的地球日快乐!
弗雷德·皮尔斯等人. "Global Extinction Rates: Why Do Estimates Vary So Wildly?" 耶鲁E360
"How Does Meat in the Diet Take an Environmental Toll?" Scientific American, Scientific American, 28 Dec. 2011
麦克马洪,杰夫. "森林砍伐和气候变化可能会释放出数量惊人的冠状病毒" Forbes, Forbes Magazine, 1 Apr. 2020
Rinkesh. “51 Shocking Facts About Pollution That Are Seriously Eye-Opening.” Conserve Energy Future, 14 Apr. 2019